CEO-ECO Examination Policy: Publication of Examination Results
This policy describes the publication of examination performance results.
CEO-ECO issues performance results in two ways: individual performance results also known as “candidate results” and aggregate results.
1. Candidate results
CEO-ECO issues individual performance results to candidates as follows:
1) Provision of a “pass” letter to candidates who pass the exam or exam component
2) Provision of a “fail” letter and a fail performance report to candidates who fail the exam or exam component. The fail report will be as detailed as possible without compromising exam integrity or information reliability.
Results will be issued by postal mail only, unless reports can be made available by CEO-ECO through individual secure online access.
To ensure candidate privacy and exam integrity, candidate results will be issued directly to the candidate only. Upon the authorization of the candidate as set out on the application to take the CEO-ECO examination confirmation of a pass/fail result may be provided to a Canadian optometry regulator.
2. Aggregate results
CEO-ECO issues aggregate performance results in its annual examination report. This report reflects the results of all candidates who attempt the exam.
CEO-ECO issues aggregate performance results for candidates attending Canadian optometry schools.
Both reports are published on CEO-ECO’s website within 6 months of fiscal year-end (September 30th) unless exceptional circumstances do not permit such publication.